Coffee with the Superintendent Join Dr. Jordan for coffee and a conversation on Wednesday, September 13th from 8:30-9:30am. RSVP through the QR Code
2nd Annual Sirens of Silence 4/29/2023 A Special Day with First RespondersJoin us for the 2nd Annual Sirens of Silence event hosted by the County of Los Angeles Fire Department in Partnership with San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center.COME and MEET with FIRST RESPONDERS in a SENSORY-FRIENDLY SPACE
HSA Awards and Scholarship Luncheon Join us for a Celebration March 17 from 11:30 to 1pm at Charter Oak Adult Ed Conference Center. There will be a Silent Auction, Raffle, and Award Presentations. Deadline is March 10th. Please see flyer for details
Last 2 Weeks of School We have a packed schedule for the next two weeks. Please see the attached calendar for details.
Youth Volleyball Registration Foothill Youth Volleyball - Co-ed League and Clinics for k-8th graders. Late March through Early June, 2 midweek practices and Saturday Games! Register Online
Black History Month at Charter Oak Park Join us Thursday, February 23, 2023 from 6 to 8 pm. The event is FREE!
COHS Preview Night March 23rd, 5-7 pmCome and see all the great things CHARTER OAK HIGH SCHOOL offers!!